There are honestly so many people who have encouraged and supported me on this journey. I intend to keep adding to this page, so please know that what you see below may not be the final cast of special mentions I hope to show.
Special Mentions
Fiona Coley
Australian ex professional gymnast, and current Chanel make up artist, Fiona Coley has been friends with Helen for over ten years. She was one of the main driving forces in encouraging Helen to pursue her art in a more professional capacity. Fi’s bell phase lace monitor, Mötley, was Helen’s first realistic reptile and her first print release. Fi helped Helen to set up and use Instagram as one means to display and advertise her work, as well as connect her with other herp owners and photographers who could offer her models to draw and start a foundation to work from.
The original image of Mötley that Helen used to reference her “Mötley the Monitor” drawing.
Fi helping Helen with her hair piece just before her wedding in 2016.